My initial ideas/concept....
-different in cultures (ex: Japan non)
-the system of tip is interesting (usually 10~15% but depending on
the quality of service, occupation it changes...)
-hybrid of expectation & decision.
=the stories heard regarding tips are interesting.
My Norwegian colleague said that when he went to NY he forgot to tip and the waiter started yelling...
My brother who was house sitting in a Beverly Hills home ordered Chinese food delivery
and forgot to tip, and was asked to tip.
has value but the notes itself are dirty and crumpled
before notes it use to be gold...
Process of pricing
(ex:) Orange -farmer-land-tree grows-shipping etc...
not just paying for the product but the human resources, land, service...
Perception of CHEAP& EXPENSIVE
Chanel's Sunglasses = 100,000,000 oranges...
some people will say oh if I can buy 1 sunglasses than I rather buy millions of oranges.
Outcome of project: Programing your own standard (?)
Stock Exchange
Before the venue for the stock exchange was digitalized it was filled with people and papers.
The digital numbers symbolizes the people/the noise/ the papers
Oyster Card
Once it is charge/ topped up with money, it just becomes something that you can pass through the machine.
Make the card heavy when it is topped up and gets lighter as the money gets used or expiry date. (vice versa)
I keep a expense notebook, but somehow tend to miss out some...
outcome: to come up with a solution such as creating a notebook with folders especially for cash expense note book.
Everything around us
Come to think about it we are surrounded by money...
computer, education, notebooks, pens, paper, clock, house, heating,
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